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The University recognises the unions responsibility to represent the interests of their members and to work for good conditions of employment and work. The spirit of this Agreement is that collective matters shall, wherever reasonably possible, be settled by agreement. Both parties are committed to resolving matters as close to the point of origin as possible and as quickly as possible. 3. Recognition The SMȦ recognises the following Trade Unions for the purposes of negotiation, collective bargaining, consultation and communication: For Study Support Assistants (formerly LSAs and CSWs), we recognise UCU & Unison. For all other staff in grades 1- 6, we recognise UNISON. For support staff/managers in grades 7-11, we recognise UCU and UNISON. For academic staff/managers in grades 7-11, we recognised UCU (and ACM, for managers who transferred to the University from Suffolk College). 4. Trade Union Duties The principal matters for which paid time off for Trade Union representatives will usually be granted are: Consultation and negotiation with management about terms and conditions of employment and the policies and practices affecting the employment of staff. Examples include pay arrangements, holidays, sick pay, pensions, equal opportunities, safety, recruitment & selection policies, performance management policies, redundancy and dismissal arrangements). Individual representation of trade union members. Examples include disciplinary proceedings, internal appeals, attendance at Employment Tribunals, grievance procedures. Participation in regular planned meetings with SMȦ Management and in ad hoc meetings facilitated by Management. Participation in other events and activities as requested by University Management. For example, induction arrangements for staff. Health and safety responsibilities including training. Functions connected with the adequate training of staff representatives, including attendance at training courses arranged by or through the appropriate Union for this purpose. Meetings with a full time Union official on matters concerning employment relations within the University or any matter relating to representing the members concerned on issues relating to their employment. Such other matters as may be agreed with the Director of Human Resources from time to time. 5. Time Off For Trade Union Duties Prior to the commencement of each academic year, each recognised trade union branch shall provide to the Director of Human Resources the names of its elected representatives. Any changes to that list will be notified during the year as they occur. The Director of HR will notify University managers of the names of accredited trade union representatives and any entitlement to paid time for trade union duties. Requests for paid time off for trade union duties should be directed to local managers and will not be unreasonably refused, taking into account the following requirements: Absences do not adversely affect the provision of service to students/clients. Absences do not conflict with the business priorities of the University. Wherever possible, reasonable notice is given. 6. Facilities for Accredited Representatives The SMȦ will make the following facilities available for use by accredited representatives without charge: Office and telephone facilities. Access to private meeting facilities Secure storage Time off with pay (as described above) Notification of the names of new staff Payment (at standard SMȦ rates) of travel expenses previously agreed and necessarily incurred as a result of meetings with Managers. Provision of notice boards on site. The respective unions are responsible for the administration of these notice boards. Provision of rooms for meetings with members. Use of University word processing, facsimile, and e-mail facilities providing they do not unduly interfere with the work of the organisation. The use of all staff messages may be used subject to the prior agreement of the Director of HR. Deduction of trade union subscriptions from salaries, with the consent of the individual (reasonable charges may be made for this facility). 7. Funded Time for Trade Union Duties SMȦ will fund the secondment of one full-time equivalent elected UCU official for the purposes of undertaking trade union duties for the benefit of university employees. The secondment shall be funded at the individuals actual rate of pay (pro rata), or to a maximum of Grade 8 (pro rata), whichever is the lower figure. This arrangement shall apply from 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008. Thereafter, this facility will be reviewed by the Director of HR and any findings referred to the Policies & Procedures Committee (See Annex B). During the period of the secondment, the secondee(s) shall be required to maintain contact with their employing department(s) and to maintain their professional skills and knowledge. 8. Collective Agreements From time to time, the SMȦ and the relevant trade union(s) may enter into collective agreements, the terms of which may be incorporated into individual contracts of employment. Once so incorporated, such agreements become legally binding upon the employer and individual employee. 9. Collective Disputes In general, all parties to this Agreement are committed to resolving disagreements through discussion, thereby avoiding disputes. However, in the event of a failure to agree, either party may by invoke the formal procedure for resolution of collective disputes as set out below. Disputes shall be notified in writing to the Director of HR setting out details of the matter concerned. It will be usual for a regional trade union official to be involved in the formal disputes procedure. In the event of a dispute, the status quo shall normally remain until the procedure is exhausted. Formal Dispute Procedure Stage 1 On declaration of a collective dispute, a meeting of three members of SMȦ management and three elected union officials shall take place as soon as practicable. The meeting shall be called and chaired by the Director of HR. The objectives of the Stage 1 meeting shall be to define the origin, subject and extent of the dispute and to endeavour to reach agreement for the resolution of the dispute. Any documents to be relied upon during the meeting shall be submitted to the all parties no later than 3 working days before the meeting. Either party may seek an adjournment during the meeting to enable enquiries to be made or to provide time for negotiation; such a request shall not be unreasonably opposed by either party. The Director of HR will arrange secretarial services to the meeting and a note (not minutes) shall be produced for approval by both parties. If agreement is reached, the Director of HR and the Branch Secretary/Chair (or full time union official) will be responsible for producing a draft statement for approval by both parties. If there is no agreement, at Stage 1, the matter shall proceed to Stage 2. Formal Dispute Procedure Stage 2 In the event of a failure to agree at Stage 1, the parties shall jointly request through the Director of HR the services of an ACAS official for the purposes of mediation/conciliation. Either parties may be assisted at this stage by advisors. In the event of a failure to agree at Stage 2, this procedure shall be deemed to have been exhausted. 10. Status of this Agreement This policy represents a pre-existing agreement as defined by the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004. Revisions to these arrangements may be made from time to time, by agreement between SMȦ and the recognised trade unions. In the event of 10% of the workforce requesting the arrangements described herein be revised, the University will conduct a ballot of the workforce. If at least 40% of the workforce (and the majority of those voting) endorses the request for revised information and consultation arrangements, the University will re-negotiate these arrangements. Director of HR April 2008 AGREEMENT The Arrangements for trade union recognition and for staff consultation and negotiation described herein (Version 1.8) are hereby agreed. For SMȦ Signed Date Print Name For Association of College Managers Signed Date Print Name For UNISON Signed Date Print Name For University and College Union Signed Date Print Name Appendix 1 The Consultative Framework The schedule of meetings between trade unions and management represents a mix of formal and less formal meetings, intended to ensure representatives have reasonable access at different levels of the organization, affording necessary and sufficient opportunities for the exchange of information, and for consultation and negotiation purposes. Notwithstanding the schedule of meetings described here, there is nothing to prevent trade unions or management requesting a meeting with another party during the course of the year as matters arise. Further, as the largest employing departments, the Faculties are encouraged to offer local trade union representatives the opportunity to meet with members of the faculty management team during the year, so as to share information and resolve issues at an early opportunity. Formal Meeting Schedule Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) This is a formal consultative meeting, held three times each year, between managers and trade union representatives. See Annex A for membership, terms of reference, and meeting arrangements. Policies and Procedures Committee (PPC) This is a formal consultative meeting, held three times each year, focusing on employment matters. See Annex B for membership , terms of reference, and meeting arrangements. Further Consultative Opportunities Vice Chancellors Meeting Each year, senior representatives of the recognised trade unions shall be invited to meet with the Vice Chancellor to discuss a range of matters. This meeting will be of a less formal nature, although brief notes may be taken and circulated. The Vice Chancellor may be assisted in these meetings by members of the Executive Team. Director of HRs Meetings Each term, the Director of HR will meeting informally with representatives of each recognised trade union. Negotiating Meetings Where it is necessary and appropriate to do so, the Director of HR shall be arrange meetings between the relevant management and trade union representatives to discuss, negotiate and agree specific issues. Information Sharing A range of opportunities exist for the sharing of information with staff about the progress and performance of the University. These include team meetings, internal communications routes (like the intranet), and staff briefings. In addition, staff may invite managers with a particular area of expertise to meet with them to discuss emerging issues or themes. Annex A SMȦ Joint Consultative Committee Terms of reference: The JCC provides a consultative forum for the discussion of issues affecting staff across SMȦ. In particular, during the course of the years meetings, management shall provide information and respond to queries about: The University's general progress and performance; Any recent or likely developments expected to affect its progress and performance Planned structural changes that may threaten job security Management decisions likely to lead to changes in work organization Information about equal opportunities matters, including monitoring and the further development of the SMȦ Single Equality Scheme (SES). Local issues affecting significant numbers of staff that have previously been properly raised with local managers Matters necessitating detailed discussion, may be referred from the JCC to a separate negotiating meeting. Matters concerning health and safety are excluded from the JCC agenda because these are more properly addressed through Suffolks separate health and safety consultative arrangements. Membership: Management: Director of HR (Chair) Pro Vice Chancellor* of Arts, Business and Applied Social Science Pro Vice Chancellor* of Health and Science Pro Vice Chancellor* Academic 2 senior support managers * or nominee Trade Union: 3 UCU representatives 1 ACM representative 1 UNISON representative Quorum: 2 management and 2 trade union representatives, at least one of whom shall be from UCU. Meeting Frequency: JCC meetings shall be held three times each year. In the event of unforeseen circumstances of significant consequence, either side may request an extra-ordinary meeting of the JCC. Both parties must agree to such a meeting being scheduled. Agendas and Minutes Agenda items and papers must be sent to the Director of HR no later than 2 weeks before the date of the meeting. Collated agendas and papers will be circulated (by e-mail) no later that 1 week before the meeting date. The Director of HR will arrange for minutes to be taken. Draft minutes shall be circulated to all parties within 2 weeks of the meeting date. Comments must be submitted within 2 weeks of that circulation; dissent may be reflected in the minutes. An agreed minute shall normally be issued within 6 weeks of the meeting date. The agreed minutes shall be made available to all staff. Annex B SMȦ Policies & Procedures Committee Terms of reference: The PPC provides a forum for the discussion of employment related policies, procedures and practices affecting staff across the University. Membership: Management: Director of HR (Chair) Trade Union: 2 UCU representatives 1 ACM representative 1 UNISON representative Quorum: 2 management and 2 trade union representatives, at least one of whom shall be from UCU. Meeting Frequency: PPC meetings shall be held three times each year. In the event of unforeseen circumstances of significant consequence, either side may request an extra-ordinary meeting of the PPC. Both parties must agree to such a meeting being scheduled. Agendas and Minutes Agenda items and papers must be sent to the Director of HR no later than 2 weeks before the date of the meeting. Collated agendas and papers will be circulated (by e-mail) no later that 1 week before the meeting date. The Director of HR will arrange for minutes to be taken. Draft minutes shall be circulated to all parties within 2 weeks of the meeting date. Comments must be submitted within 2 weeks of that circulation; dissent may be reflected in the minutes. An agreed minute shall normally be issued within 6 weeks of the meeting date. The agreed minutes shall be made available to all staff.     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